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【案號:Impression products, Inc. v Lexmark International, Inc. No. 15-1189


所謂權利耗盡原則(patent exhaustion doctrine),是指權利人就其所製造、創作或經其同意製造或重製之物品,於第一次進入市場後,即喪失其對該物品之販賣權與使用權,權利人就該物品的販賣權、使用權因此被耗盡,任何合法取得該物品之第三人,均可自由將該物品讓與他人或任意使用,權利人不得加以干涉或主張權利。規定權利耗盡的目的,是為了對專利權人行使其發明之販賣權、使用權加以適當的限制,使該專利品能夠順利流通並發揮其使用效益。








  1. 沒有限制:比較貴;
  2. 有限制:比較便宜,是回收專案墨水匣,只能由Lexmark回收,且內建特殊晶片,買家如果自行填充墨水也不能使用。



A. Lexmark在美國境內銷售的回收專案墨水匣;

B. Lexmark在美國境外銷售的不可回收墨水匣和可回收墨水匣。


ü   有關A.產品:原告Lexmark的專利權並未耗盡

CAFCMallinckrodt, Inc. v. Medipart, Inc., 976 F.2d 700 (Fed. Cir. 1992)一案中認為:針對上述A.的侵權產品,原告Lexmark專利權仍未耗盡;此見解到聯邦最高法院的Quanta案後仍然有效。(We find Mallinckrodt's principle to remain sound after the Supreme Court's decision in Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc., 553 U.S. 617 (2008), in which the Court did not have before it or address a patentee sale at all, let alone one made subject to a restriction, but a sale made by a separate manufacturer under a patentee-granted license conferring unrestricted authority to sell.

CAFC判決指出:如果受專利保護的產品在銷售時,有「單次使用+不可轉賣」的限制,這個限制合法,且買方已經清楚知悉的前提下,那麼該銷售不會耗盡專利權人排除下游買方多次使用和轉賣的權利。(a patentee, when selling a patented article subject to a single-use/no-resale restriction that is lawful and clearly communicated to the purchaser, does not by that sale give the buyer, or downstream buyer, the resale/reuse authority that has been expressly denied.  Such resale or reuse, when contrary to the known lawful limits on the authority conferred at the known lawful limits on the authority conferred at the time of the original sale, remains unauthorized and therefore remains infringing conduct under the terms of 271.

再回到本案,CAFC明確表示,在聯邦最高法院的Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc., 553 U.S. 617 (2008)No.06-937案後,上述Mallinckrodt案的見解仍然有效,因為Quanta案所涉及的是授權製造商Intel銷售產品的問題,Intel只要在銷售時告知下游廠商某些特定事項,就可以無限制條件銷售產品,而Intel有履行了告知義務,沒有違反IntelLG的合約,所以Intel的銷售是無限制條件的銷售(unconditional sale)。Mallinckrodt案則和本案一樣,涉及專利權人自己的有限制條件銷售(conditional sale),案件事實和Quanta案不同,所以本案要參考Mallinckrodt案。



ü   有關B.產品:原告Lexmark的專利權亦未耗盡

CAFC先前在Jazz Photo Corp. v. International Trade Comm’n, 264 F.3d 1094 (Fed. Cir. 2001)案中提出:美國專利的專利權人在境外銷售受美國專利保護的產品,不會授權買家進口該產品到美國,也不會在美國境內銷售/使用該產品。(a U.S. patentee, merely by selling or authorizing the sale of a U.S. patented article abroad, does not authorize the buyer to import the article and sell and use it in the U.S., which are infringing acts in the absence of patentee conferred authority.

CAFC在本案中還提到,在聯邦最高法院Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 133 S. Ct. 1351 (2013)案後,上述Jazz Photo案的見解仍屬有效。(We conclude that Jazz Photo's no-exhaustion principle remains sound after the Supreme Court's decision in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 133 S. Ct. 1351 (2013).)判決中寫得非常清楚,Kirtsaeng案涉及的是著作權法問題,並非專利法,著作權法109(a)授予著作物擁有人不須得到著作權人同意,就可以轉賣其所擁有的著作物;(Kirtsaeng is a copyright case holding that 17 U.S.C. 109(a) entitles owners of copyrighted articles to take certain acts "without the authority" of the copyright holder. There is no counterpart to that provision in the Patent Act, under which a foreign sale is property treated as neither conclusively mor even presumptively exhausting the U. S. patentee's rights in the United States.)而這裡所提到的製造,應解釋為地點不限於美國,只要製造者得到著作權人的允許即可。(...in which the Court did not address patent law or whether a foreign sale should be viewed as conferring authority to engage in otherwise-infringing domestic acts.


再套進Jazz Photo案的結論:Impression回收轉賣的Lexmark在美國境外銷售的一般墨水匣和回收專案墨水匣,都不受權利耗盡原則保護。



  1. 專利權人銷售產品後,該物品因所有權移轉而成為買受人的私有財產,非屬專利權保護範圍內。(When a patentee chooses to sell an item, that product "is no longer within the limits of the monopoly" and instead becomes the "private, individual property" of the purchaser, with the rights and benefits that come along with ownership.)專利權人基於契約自由原則得與買受人就標的和價金訂定買賣契約,但在所有權移轉給買受人後,就不得再以專利為由主張控制該產品的使用權或處分權。(A patentee is free to set the price and negotiate contracts with purchasers, but may not, “by virtue of his patent, control the use or disposition” of the product after ownership passes to the purchaser.)也就是說,買賣契約終止了買賣標的物上一切有關專利的權利。(The sale “terminates all patent rights to that item.
  2. 如果專利權人在銷售時,對產品做了任何限制,那是買賣契約問題,並非專利侵權問題。Lexmark不能對Impression提起專利侵權訴訟,主張「單次使用+不可轉賣」的限制條款。產品一旦出售,就終止了一切有關專利壟斷的權利,Lexmark保留的任何權利都是屬於和Impression簽訂的買賣契約履行問題,而不是專利侵權問題。(Lexmark cannot bring a patent infringement suit against Impression Products to enforce the single-use/no-resale provision accompanying its Return Program cartridges. Once sold, the Return Program cartridges passed outside of the patent monopoly, and whatever rights Lexmark retained are a matter of the contracts with its purchasers, not the patent law.
  3. 買賣和授權不同,買賣是移轉所有權,所以一旦移轉專利權就耗盡;授權是改變專利壟斷的界線,所以可以對專利授權內容做限制。專利權人可以對授權內容設限,不代表專利權人可以在買賣契約完成後再主張專利權。(A patentee can impose restrictions on licensees because a license does not implicate the same concerns about restraints on alienation as a sale. Patent exhaustion reflects the principle that, when an item passes into commerce, it should not be shaded by a legal cloud on title as it moves through the marketplace. But a license is not about passing title to a product, it is about changing the contours of the patentee’s monopoly: The patentee agrees not to exclude a licensee from making or selling the patented invention, expanding the club of authorized producers and sellers.
  4. 只要在買賣產品時已遵守授權契約條款,被授權人買賣行為就等同於專利權人自己的買賣行為,一樣會產生專利權耗盡的效果。()So long as a licensee complies with the license when selling an item, the patentee has, in effect, authorized the sale. That licensee’s sale is treated, for purposes of patent exhaustion, as if the patentee made the sale itself. The result: The sale exhausts the patentee’s rights in that item.
  5. 若被授權人銷售產品的行為不屬於授權範圍內,則專利權人就沒有授權銷售,那麼專利權就沒有耗盡,專利權人仍得對被授權人和明知違約的買受人主張專利侵權。(sales... outside the scope of its license...We treated the sale “as if no license whatsoever had been granted” by the patentee, which meant that the patentee could sue both the licensee and the purchaser—who knew about the breach—for infringement.
  6. 若在美國國外銷售,專利權一樣耗盡,類推適用Kirtsaeng案有關著作權法的理由。(In Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., we held that this “‘first sale’ [rule] applies to copies of a copyrighted work lawfully made [and sold] abroad.”
  7. 即使專利權人銷售產品時明示保留專利權,專利仍會耗盡,因為產品在市場流通時若允許專利權仍依附在賣出的產品上,將違反「物權移轉不得附加任何限制的原則」(Allowing patent rights to stick remora-like to that item as it flows through the market would violate the principle against restraints on alienation.)。但對此美國政府有不同意見,曾經向美國聯邦最高法院提呈意見書,認為如果專利權人在美國境外銷售且有明示保留專利權,則專利權不耗盡;美國聯邦最高法院不接受此意見。



(1)       本案聯邦最高法院判決請參見:


(2)       Mallinckrodt, Inc. v. Medipart, Inc., 976 F.2d 700 (Fed. Cir. 1992)判決請參見:


(3)       Jazz Photo Corp. v. International Trade Comm’n, 264 F.3d 1094 (Fed. Cir. 2001)判決參見:


(4)       Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 133 S. Ct. 1351 (2013)判決參見: 


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