News | Events
Awards and Recognitions received in 2014 2014/2/18
Tsai Lee & Chen will attend INTA 20142014/2/14
Features of the TLC Taiwan and China IP Seminar during the INTA meeting in Dallas2013/5/20
Tsai, Lee & Chen has again been ranked a top tier firm in Taiwan 2013/3/29
VIDEO: Plenary 2 - The role of the chief IP officer2013/2/4
Event at a glance 2013/1/9
Our partner Mr. Jesse KY Peng, and the senior patent engineer Mr. Sam CT Chen succeeded in the 2012 China Patent Bar Examination.2012/12/7
Our patent engineer Mr. James HC Su, Mr. Ed YC Chiu and Mr. Dillon TC Cheng succeeded in the 2012 Taiwan Patent Bar exam.2012/12/7
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