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TSAI, LEE & CHEN sponsors IP Business Congress Asia (IPBC Asia 2014) in Shanghai


The annual IP Business Congress Asia (IPBC Asia 2014) was held in Shanghai Pudong from December 7 to 10 this year, for which Tsai, Lee & Chen was one of the host sponsors. Our partner,Ms. Crystal J. Chen, and Mr. James H.C. Su, patent attorney attended this international congress. Ms. Crystal J. Chen was also invited to moderate the plenary session of "Inside Asia’s key IP markets."  Distinguished panel speakers includes corporate IP leaders from LG Electronics (Korea), Asia Pulp & Paper (China), ITRI (Taiwan), Reliances Limited (India) and IP law professor from Tokyo University of Science (Japan).


IPBC Asia is one of the major international business submit regarding intellectual property, focusing on the topics such as intellectual property rights licensing, transaction and monetization. The participants of IPBC Asia include corporate IP counsels and chief IP officers from multinational enterprises, corporations, leaders from IP service providers, IP brokers, and analytic and consulting companies. TSAI, LEE & CHEN set up an exhibition booth during the conference and interacted with elite participants from all over the world.


TSAI, LEE & CHEN stays active in a variety of international conferences and forums in order to continuously keep updated on the global IP business and strategies for our clients.


Crystal J. Chen as the moderator of plenary session "Inside Asia's IP Market"

 Crystal J. Chen as the moderator of plenary session "Inside Asia's IP Market"     



Speakers (from left):

Makoto Ogina, Prof. of Tokyo University of Science

Jeffrey Lindsay, Head of IP, Asia Pulp & Paper

Subarna Shyamroy, General manager of Reliance Industries

Joo Sup Kim, Vice President of LG Electronics

Alex Fan, Deputy general director of Industrial Technology Research Institute

Crystal J. Chen, Partner Attorney of Tsai, Lee & Chen



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