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TSAI LEE & CHEN attended AIPPI 2017 World Congress held from October 13 to 17 this year in Sydney.

Crystal J. Chen 
as the co-chair for the study question of Graphical User Interfaces  
- Photo Credit

 attended AIPPI 2017 World Congress held from
October 13 to 17 this year in Sydney. Our partner, 
Ms. Crystal J. Chen 
who is the
AIPPI Chair of Delegates for Independent Members,
participated and was invited as the co-chair for the study question of
Graphical User Interfaces during the meeting session. In addition to 
building a strong network with international associates and clients, 
TLC stays up-to-date with the most recent global IP law developments.

We look forward to meeting you in other IP occasions in the future and 
any opportunities where we can be of assistance to you relating to 
the protection of IP.

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