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Tsai, Lee & Chen was ranked as one of the outstanding Taiwanese IP law firms

According to the 2007 IP survey of Managing Intellectual Property (MIP), Tsai, Lee & Chen was elected as one of the most outstanding IP law firms in Taiwan in patent, trademark and copyright areas; MIP owns five researching groups located in London, New York and Hong Kong. Every year, they interview more than 100 IP-related institutes or employees, including patent attorneys, lawyers, and corporate IP counsels. The interviewees rank various international well-known IP law firms and the magazine would afterwards recommend the outstanding law firms in each jurisdiction based on the interviewees’ recommendations. In 2007, TLC was honored to be ranked among tier 2 in patent prosecution and tire 3 in trademark/copyright prosecution, which shows TLC’s professionalism and high-quality services have been approved and recongized by those international competitors. Details in this regard can be found in the following link to view the MIP 2007 IP survey in details:

Not only being approved by foreign institute, TLC’s hard-working was also praised by local institute. Asia Pacific Intellectual Property Association (APIPA), a Taiwan-based non-profit intellectual property organization, announced a survey about Taiwanese enterprises’ satisfactory for local IP firms on Nov. 3, 2007. TLC was honored to be elected as one of the top five local IP firms! Those who participate the survey are the top 1 – 100 Taiwanese enterprises, which filed most applications and owned the most granted patent in 2006, according to TIPO’s report. The survey provides 5 ranks of satisfaction with individual local IP firms with regard to the services by the local IP firms, and invites the top 100 enterprises to evaluate any Taiwan IP firms that they have experiences with based on their prior services. The result shows that the local enterprises entrusting TLC with their patent cases are also approved of TLC’s high-quality services, which turn out to be quite a great honor for TLC.

The results of IP law firms by both international and local professional firms and/or institutes ranking TLC to be one of the outstanding IP law firms in Taiwan, show their acknowledge for the efforts of TLC’s entire colleagues, and have certainly been the best encouragement from foreign and local clients. In the future, TLC will maintain the same spirit of enthusiasm to provide our clients with our professionalism and legal services.

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